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Camp Beer Co.

COVID 19 Saftey Plan

This safety plan is to facilitate the safe resuming of brewery and taproom operations following work interruptions related to COVID-19.




The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads in several ways. It can spread in droplets when a person coughs or sneezes. It can also spread if you touch a contaminated surface and touch your face.


The risk of a person to person transmission increases the closer you come to other people, the more time you spend near them, and the more people you come near.


The risk of surface transmission increases when many people contact the same surface and when those contacts happen over short periods of time.


  • We have identified the areas where there may be risks, either through close proximity or through contaminated surfaces. The closer our workers are and the longer they are close to each other, the greater the risk.

  • We have involved our frontline staff, supervisors, and our health and safety representative.

  • We have identified areas where people gather, such as the bar area, take away fridge, and entranceway.

  • We have identified job tasks and processes where our workers are close to one another or our valued customers. This can occur in our workplace, in other work locations if they travel offsite as part of their jobs.

  • We have identified the tools, machinery, and equipment that our workers share while working.

  • We have identified surfaces that people touch often, such as door handles, light switches, and bar tops.




  • We have selected and implemented protocols to reduce and minimize the risk of transmission.

  • We have reviewed industry-specific protocols on to determine whether any are relevant to our industry. As well, we have received and reviewed guidance from the BC Brewers Guild in association with the Restaurant Association.

  • We have reviewed all new protocols with our staff, supervisors, and our health and safety representative.

  • We are following all guidance provided by our provincial health officer.




To reduce the risk of the virus spreading through droplets in the air, close contact, or through surface contact transmission.


First level protection (elimination):

Use policies and procedures to limit the number of people in our workplace at any one time. Implement protocols to keep staff at least 6’ from coworkers, customers, and others.


Second level protection (engineering controls):

If we can't maintain physical distancing, barriers may have to be implemented.


Third level protection (administrative controls):

Establish rules and guidelines, such as cleaning protocols, increased signage, and the use of staff to direct customer traffic.


Fourth level protection (PPE):

If the first three levels of protection aren't enough to control the risks, we will have staff use personal protective equipment such as masks. PPE will not be used as the only control measure. It will only be used in conjunction with the other measures.


First level protection (elimination):

Limit the number of people at the Camp brewery and taproom.


  • We have established and posted limits to our occupancy limit for our premises.

  • Customer levels will be reduced and regulated by the dedicated front of house personnel to help ensure safe social distancing.

  • In order to reduce the number of people at CAMP, we have rescheduled work tasks and implemented virtual meetings.

  • We have established a new protocol to reduce staff contact by limiting personnel behind the bar.

  • We have set up new areas for the accumulation of dirty glasses.

  • We have included safe distancing markers on the floor.


Second level protection (engineering):

Barriers and partitions.


  • We have moved furniture to an acceptable distance both inside and on the patio.

  • We have utilized barrels as dividers for our customers.

  • We have implemented new dirty item collection stations.

  • The barriers have been added to the cleaning procedures.

  • Third level protection (administrative controls): Rules and guidelines

  • We have identified rules and guidelines for how our staff should conduct themselves.

  • We have clearly communicated these rules and guidelines to our staff through a combination of training and signage.

  • Staff will be identified for their shift as clean or dirty. Clean representing service to customers and dirty as clean up and removal of used or handled items.

  • All tables and surfaces are sprayed and wiped down with cleaner and sanitizer after each use.

  • Hand sanitizer stations have been put out for staff and customer use at both tills, main entrance, and mid taproom.

  • All staff have been directed to avoid going to clear tables until after the customers have left.

  • Take away sales to be administered by the host position to help reduce congestion at the bar till.

  • Fourth level protection (PPE): Optional measure in addition to other control measures.

  • We understand the limitations of masks and other PPE. We understand that PPE should only be used in combination with other control measures.

  • Gloves are to be worn when cleaning dishware.

  • Face bandanas will be available and worn by all staff.


Reduce the risk of surface transmission through effective cleaning and hygiene practices.


  • We have reviewed the information on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

  • Our workplace has adequate handwashing facilities on-site for all our workers  and customers. Handwashing locations are visible and easily accessed. Signage is in place for proper effective cleaning.

  • We have policies that outline when staff must wash their hands and we have communicated hygiene practices to all employees. Frequent handwashing and good hygiene practices are essential to reduce the spread of the virus. 

  • We have implemented cleaning protocols for all common areas and surfaces,e.g., bar top, tables, and chairs, door handles. This includes the frequency that these items must be cleaned as well as the timing such as before and after shift.

  • Workers who are cleaning have access to adequate training materials.

  • We have removed unnecessary tools and items to simplify the cleaning process and reduce contact situations.


Our workplace policies ensure that our staff and others showing symptoms of COVID-19 are prohibited.


  • Anyone who has had symptoms in the last 10 day. Symptoms include fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and new muscle aches or headache.

  • Anyone directed by public health to isolate.

  • Anyone who has arrived from outside Canada or who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case must isolate in accordance with provincial health guidelines.

  • Visitors are limited in the workplace.

  • We have reviewed with our staff the strategies required to address the risk of violence that may arise as customers adapt to these new restrictions and modifications to our workplace.

  • Staff that starts to feel ill at the workplace will be asked to wash their hands and directed to go straight home and monitor their symptoms.

  • Staff that feel ill will not report to work.

  • We have posted signage at the main entrance indicating who is restricted from entering the premises, including visitors, customers, and staff with symptoms.

  • Supervisors have been trained on monitoring staff and the workplace to ensure policies and procedures are being followed.


Things are constantly changing and we are committed to monitoring risks and looking for new opportunities for improvement. We will make policy and procedure changes as necessary.


Communication, safety, and acceptance of all new policies will remain at the forefront of our operations until informed otherwise.


List of Procedures and Forms:


  • CAMP Beer Co. Staff Illness Declaration

  • Entrance Policy Signage 

  • Cleaning and Distancing Procedures

  • Opening and Closing Checklist

  • Sanitization and Cleaning Log

  • Receiving Procedure

  • Receiving Log

  • Delivery Log



110-19664 64 Ave

Langley, BC  V2Y 3J6



Sun-Weds 12-9pm

Thurs 12-10pm

Fri-Sat 12-11pm

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